National Physicians’ Association On-Call Duty

Bereitschaftsdienst der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung

Germany-wide | nights, weekends, and Fridays | telephone 116 117

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Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic (Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz / PIA)


regional | available 24/7 for emergencies | telephone (0941) 941 1200


The Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic (PIA) offers outpatient treatment for psychological and psychosomatic illnesses. This offering is aimed primarily at patients who need a great amount of care and/or multi-professional care from physicians and other non-medical specialists, or for whom no other sufficient treatments offerings are available.


The treatment team of doctors, psychologists, nurses and care providers, social education workers, physician assistants, and ergonomic and sports therapists provide the whole gamut of outpatient psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatment.


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Around-the-clock emergency availability


In case of emergencies outside the PIA’s office hours, you can go to the main reception of the psychiatry and psychotherapy clinic at Regensburg Regional Hospital (Bezirksklinikum).